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Hello, I am a 15 year old boy, I weigh 170lbs and I am 5'8". I am fairly active and just started watching what I eat. Im in fairly good shape, but I have some unwanted fat around my stomach and butt. I would like to know what training would be best in order to lose this fat and get 6 pack abs.

Answered by Sarah Dagan
Everyone has abdominal muscles, but some appear less defined because they are covered by a layer of fat. In your teens, you may still be shedding some of the extra fat deposits that developed in your childhood or during puberty. Staying active by playing sports, riding a bike or doing another fun activity like swimming will help you burn fat from your problem areas. You can strengthen the muscles in those areas with toning exercises, but you will see more definition once the muscles are no longer covered by fat.

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