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Hi there! i'm wondering about muscle toning/exercising the area around the mouth, or orbicularis oris. will exercising this muscle prevent cheek pain from smiling too long? also, i only have one problem when it comes to social anxiety, and thats when i smile for too long (for photos or with friends), and my mouth starts trembling/shaking/twitching. will it enable me to hold a smile for a long time like beauty contestants do? so will exercising it prevent these problems altogether? thank you so much! i cant find an answer anywhere , you're my only hope haha...

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Exercising the muscles on your face can be a tricky task. The key to strengthening these muscles, is consistency. Any exercise or stretching of the muscles you do needs to be done every day, in order for the muscle to "understand" that it needs to strengthen itself while under this constant tension (This concept makes up the bulk of any exercise you do).

Try slowly opening your mouth and focusing on your jaw. Open it as wide as you can, and then slowly clamp it shut. Repeat this 10 times. Remember to do it in a controlled fashion.

Open your mouth wideand place each index finger on your lower teeth, push down firmly and feel the resistance of your jaw pushing back. Hold that for 10 seconds.

If you experience any pain with either of these exercises, stop immediately.

Remember that much like any exercise, if you want to be able to hold in a position, you need to practice static exercises! Practice holding that smile in front of the mirror, it may even brighten your day.

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