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Hi! I have muscular legs, especially in the calves that look really bulky and I'm looking to thin them out. I also want to do cardio to lose some belly fat but I don't want to bulk my legs up even more. Can you offer some insight? Thanks!

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Hello there!

First off let me say that, having naturally muscular legs, you're one of the lucky ones. It takes most people years to build up formidable leg size.

Spot reduction, or reducing one's body fat in a specific area or "spot", is a myth and simply not possible. That being said, cardio will lean out your entire body.

The only way you will end up bulking your legs is if you eat to bulk! It's physically impossible to add more size to your legs if you are eating in a manner to lose weight (a caloric deficit). So I wouldn't worry about your legs getting bigger if you do cardio in an attempt to shed some unwanted belly fat.

I would stick to steady state cardio (as high intensity interval training puts you at risk of building muscle in your legs) and a gradual decrease of carbohydrates over a lengthy period of time. Aim to lose 1 pound a week through your gradually increasing cardio time and gradually decreasing carbohydrate intake and you'll start to see that fat melt away!

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