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Which is the most balanced exercise plan? A)Walking, weight lifting, yoga B)Running, weight lifting, tennis C)Running, kick-boxing, yoga D)Running, weight lifting, cycling

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

The options you have listed seem to be very balanced, I commend you on that.

You've picked a resistance training method and a cardiovascular training method per option.

For that reason, I would say that the most balanced, or best exercise plan for you, would be the one that you enjoyed most, or felt that it was working best for you.

If it were up to me, my personal preference would lean towards option A - You'll get a good dose of cardio with daily walking as well as weightlifting. You'll expose your muscles to physical stress causing strength and hypertrophy gains, and yoga will balance out your flexibility and keep you mobile. An all-round stellar package!

That being said, I wouldn't underestimte kickboxing as a killer resistance workout! Each punch puts your entire upperbody (from core to chest to tricep to forearm) under resistance, and each kick will do the same for your lower body. You'll also be doing what could be considered HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) so you'll be burning calories like crazy!

All in all picking any of the four options will land you in a healthier, happier body. Good luck!

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