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i want to get instructed about the way i am performing the exercises , i mean to say that if i am doing some common workouts daily (mixed ; not specific workout) will it be good enough for me to gain proper body structure not like "wwf players" but good enough to be a model.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

If your aspiration is to be a model, and/or to have a lean, muscular physique, the likelihood of you achieving it through "common" workouts is slim.

You can, however, achieve the body of your dreams by consistently putting in the work, and following a structured workout and eating program.

Try to split your training over 5 days, and rest for the other 2. Focus on one or two bodyparts a day, and then give them the rest of the week to recover and rebuild.

Eating clean goes a long way to being lean. Eat your veggies and all things natural, and stay away fromm processed, packaged goods. If it can survive in your closet for months, chances are its not good for you.

If you comment below and let me know more specific details about you (height, weight, goal physique etc) I can give you a more specific answer to reach your goals!

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