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Cardio or Weightlifting, Which is Better?

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem
Your legs or your arms, which are better? They serve two completely different functions and are both necessary for optimal health! 

Cardio, or cardiovascular training, does exactly that, it trains your cardiovascular system to run longer, more efficiently, and on less energy. 

Weight training involves using resistance to subdue your muscles to stress in an attempt to have them rebuild bigger and/or stronger.

Unless you are training to be a specialized marathon runner or power lifter, a combination of the two will be your best bet for a healthier, stronger, better body. Much like how your legs and arms work together seamlessly to create the synergistic movement of walking, cardio and weight training will work together to make your body better overall.

So if you like to spend your hours at the gym monotonously running on the treadmill, or if you like to get in there, bench press and get out, it might be beneficial for you and your body to “dip your toes into the other end of the pool” and get a taste of what the counterpart has to offer. You’ll even find that cross-training will benefit your main focus greatly and allow for your body to grow to it’s functionally fit peak.

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