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Hi my name is molly i weight 190 lbs and am 5ft 10 1/2. I have lost 40lbs over the past year and would like to loose another 20lbs. The hardest area for me to loose is my love handles i run three times a week , eat 1,200 calories or less a day and do some resistance training. I would like to mainly focus on my love handles and how to get rid of them. If you could help me out that would be a life saver. Thank you!

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Hi molly!

Congratulations on losing 40lbs in a year, that's no small achievement.

I'm sure you''ve learnt over the course of your journey that you can't spot reduce fat, meaning focusing on losing weight specifically from your lower abdomen is an impossible task. Instead, focus on losing weight in general, gaining a bit more muscle mass, and watch those love handles dissapear as you begin to ook more toned and tight.

My main concern is the amount of calories you're consuming everyday. Yes, you need to be at a caloric deficit in order to lose fat, but cut too much too quickly and your body goes into what can be called "starvation mode". The body is a very clever organism. It will hold onto fat because it thinks it's not getting much food over a period of time.
If you're eating 1200 calories a day, your body is going to hold onto every single calorie plus what's left in your body just in order to function efficiently.

Start by upping your caloric intake, focus on adding more protein into your diet. You've said you are doing resistance training, if you continue to do so, and up your caloric intake (in the form of protein) those extra calories and proteins will go towards building new muscle. This muscle will in turn elevate your metabolism, provide a toned look (to repllace the flab) and teach your body to use fat as fuel instead of muscle.

Comment below with your workout routines/exercises, and i'll let you know what's golden, and what needs revision!

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