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hi, i am 29 years old man, 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighing 64 kgs. my question is that i want to tone my body especially my abs. i also need to know about some warm up exercise for running and for abs. i aslo need to tell you that i aback problem also. thank you. hope to reply soon.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

HI there, toning your body will require losing some body fat. If you want your abs to pop, then getting your body fat percentage down under 11% is usually necessary.

In order to get to that number, and start to see your muscular definition, you are going to have to eat a clean diet and work out at least 3 times a week.

Here are some great warm up exercises that can also serve to burn some fat.

High knees: Start by jogging on the spot. Alternate by bringing your knees as high as they can go while keeping a straight back. Don't lean back or forward and lift with your core.

Mountain Climber: Start in the pushup position. Alternate by bringing your knees as high as they can go while keeping a straight back. Remember to keep your core tight and squeeze your glutes.

Wood Chop: Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold a dumbell with both hands and in a diagonal motion, swing the dumbell in front of your body from above your left side to next to your right hip. Repeat and switch.

What kind of exercise do you cuurrently do?

Let me know how those warmup exercises work for you!

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