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Hi, i am a 15 year old boy who isnt actually fat, but i have a little extra belly fat witch i want to get rid of because my friends call me fat all the time and it makes me feel realy fat. about half a year ago, i startet to actually do something about it and not only think about it. i started to jog. it didnt take long before i could see my belly fat just melt away and i was really happy. but my knees started to hurt so badly that i had to stop jog. and now, half a year later, i want to lose the rest of my belly fat. but im kinda struggling, because it was so easy to just run it of, but i can't do that anymore because of my knees. so i was wondering if this little workout works http://9gag.com/gag/ajr6481 . im not very unhealthy. i don't eat loads of junkfood. i eat healthy. and i am a mesomorph. so i just wondered if that works for me- (the workout in the link)

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Hello there!

I'm sorry to hear about your knees. Running is a very high impact exercise and can definitely put strain on the joints and ligaments in and around your knees.

That workout is great. Its very convenient as it can be done anywhere, takes no time at all, and will keep your metabolism elevated to burn away that unwanted fat!

If I were to revise the routine, it would go like this:

1) Burpees - 10 reps
2) Incline Pushups - 10 reps
3) Mountain Climbers - 20 reps
4) Squats - 15 reps
5) Bicycle crunch - 20 reps
6) Plank - 45 seconds

Repeat 3-5 times

Let me know what you think!

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