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Hi, i am a female and I'm 17 years old. My weight is 215 pounds. And my weight goal is around 150. I am trying to lose weight and i just cant stay motivated and dedicated to it. I want to lose weight so badly and i just cant say No to certain foods. I will do really well for 3 or 4 days then just give up. And some times i just dont know what to particularly eat when I'm hungry. Please help if you can.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Hi there,

Losing 65 pounds is no small task. It's also far from impossible. The first step to losing that unwanted weight is making a commitment to do so. You've made the deicision to embark on this journey, so you've already completed the first step! Now all you need is to stay true on your path. It may take a hefty amount of time, but don't worry about that, the time will pass anyway. It also may be challenging at times, so here are a few tips to keep you straight on your road to healthy!

Stop thinking about diets and start thinking about life changes!
You'll never lose and KEEP OFF the pounds with a fad diet because it's exacty that, a fad. Start thinking about making changes to your lifestyle (and do so in small steps to avoid being overwhelmed). Start by cutting out soda and sugary drinks from your life, the next week make sure to drink at least 10 cups of water a day, the next week add a new challenge. In 2 short months you'll have made 8 powerful changes to your life and the fat will melt away without you thinking about it.

Stop eliminating foods and start limiting them.
You say you have a hard time saying no to certain foods. Why not start saying: "Not right now". If you try to eliminate foods you've had in your life for years, you're asking for trouble. Start limiting them, and have the good knowledge to know they do nothing good for your body. You'll begin to limit them more and more until you no longer even want them.

Make a plan! (Or plan to fail)
No one ever got thinner by just winging it. Find a good workout plan, a solid eating plan (that fits your lifestyle and food groups!) and make sure to do your research about both. Then stick to it!

Find your support
Staying accountable creates an urgency to succeed. Find yourself a good support group, whether it be family, friends or a social network. Call upon them for you to lean on. If they are true and genuine people in your life, they will be more than happy to oblige. Post pictures, statements and motivation, and you'll become accountable to them. You won't want to fail because you' be letting them down.


I hope you find these tips to be helpful!
Let me know if you have any further questions.

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