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I'm trying to train for a marathon, but I'm having trouble with shin pain. How can I learn to run?

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

If you're a heavy heel striker, meaning you land harshly on your heel when you run, shin pain will undoubtedly follow. The same goes for marathon running, or any running on a hard surface for an extended period of time. Humans weren't designed to run on completely flat surfaces for hours.

Whenever you push off with your toes, your calves and shins undergo repetitive stress, I'd suggest you treat the pained area and follow up by strengthening it.

Start by icing the area where it hurts, use an antiinflammatory if needed as well. This could be your body telling you you're taking on too many miles and it's not ready for it, work up to it slowly!

Then try these two stretches:

Stand with feet apart, toes pointed inward. Push onto your toes and reach for the ceiling, control back down and repeat. - 10 reps

Similarly, stand with feet apart, toes pointed outward. Push onto your toes and reach for the ceiling, control back down and repeat. - 10 reps


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