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What are the best ab exercises?
jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

In order to chisel your midsection, the focal point of fitness today, you need to know the specific muscles and just what they do and how they do it. Only then can you effectively work them to grow.

Rectus Abdominis:
This group of muscles is what would be referred to as the "six pack" (as there are six distinct sections to it). The primary functions are to counteract spinal extension, and flex the spine forward.

Cable crunches and lying leg raises work these muscles effectively.


The obliques, both internal and external, run down the sides of your six pack and into your hip line. They serve to rotate the trunk.

Russian twists and dumbbell side bends work these muscles effectively.

Transversus Amdominis:

This group of muscles is a behind the scenes player. It is not as visible but just as, if not more important to your abdominals.   These muscles stabilize the spine and help you breathe by compressing the diaphragm.

Planks and dead bugs work these muscles effectively.

Erector Spinae:

These muscles are deep under your skin, so deep in fact that you cannot see them. But they serve an important role: to extend the spine and tilt or bend side to side.

Deadlifts, back extensions, and bird dogs work these muscles effectively.

Now that you know the different muscles in your midsection, and how to effectively work them, try stringing together a few of the exercises mentioned above to create an ab-blasting circuit.

And remember, the only way you're going to see your new, defined six pack, is by dropping your body fat levels down through a sound nutrition plan.

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