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I have recently began exercising in order to get my mind and body to their peak performance. I have been eating healthier, drinking more water and antioxidants, getting out of the house and getting some fresh air. What I initially started with is a lot of stretching, cardio and resistance training. My question is, what is the best way of achieving my goal, should I focus on the cardio and resistance training to build my endurance, stamina and strength or move on to the weights instead to build up more mass. (I am 19 years old, I weigh about 78 kg, I have no history of medical issues and I already mentioned my goal above) Thank you very much, - Joshua

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Hi Joshua,

I'm so glad you have decided to adopt this healthy lifestyle, not many 19 year olds care about health, or discover a passion like this. 

If your main goal is to attain maximum physical and intellectual performance, I would suggest a mimx of all types of training. You can incoporate both cardio and resistance training into one super-taxing workout. 

To achieve your goal you're going to have to focus on one thing. Progression. Whether it is getting quicker at running/biking, lifting heavier weights (in a structured way) every week, or beating your time on something, you need to strive for progression. With progression you wil continuously get better at whatever it is you are doing, and will come one step closer to peak performance.

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