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I'm 5'10" 155 lbs. ~6% body fat, 18 years old. I have an insane metabolism that doesn't seem like its quitting anytime soon. I've gone through period of time where I ate 5-6 full meals a day of high protein and high calorie foods and never gained a pound. From now until May of 2014, I'm wondering if its possible to gain close to 15 lbs of muscle. Taking protein shakes and eating plenty of meals with foods high in protein... the whole deal. With my metabolism and current build, are there any workouts specifically for gaining muscle, or maybe a finer tuned dietary plan?

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

There are and you came to the right place.

I've been through what you are going through, stuffing your face with tons of clean food day after day only to find the scale hasn't budged.

For one, stop being so strict on your food choices. Yes, you need to make sure you get enough protein daily, but carbs and fat will work themselves out. Eat, and eat a lot. It may seem like the scale isn't going to move, but it will, slowly at first.

You also need to be doing the right types of exercises to signal muscle growth and tell your body where to put those calories.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to focus on compunnd lifts. These included but are not limited to: Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift, Shoudler Press, Rows, Pullups. Doing endless arm curls is not going to make you any bigger.

Try a 5 day split working one body part a day and focus on those movements for each body part respectively.

On chest day do bench press and variations of it, and at the end you can throw in an isolation movement or two like flyes. On your back day do rows and pullups and then focus on things like lat pulldowns. 

I also cannot stress enough how important it is to progress with your lifts. I would get frustrated when the scale wouldn't budge, and I came to figure out that all I needed to do was get stronger in order to get bigger. They are almost synonymous. Aim to add 5-10 pounds on everything you lift each week.

With these tips you will surely see that scale number rise.

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