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Hi, I'm 16 years old male. My ethnic background is Asian. My parents are tall about 5'5" and i'm 5'7" now. And the thing is i m so skinny. I only weight about 110 and it's below average. But both of my parents are fit not skinny or fat. I need a tip to get fit or get taller if possible. I know Genes is limited at height but what can of exercise and food can make me bit more taller. And what should i eat for fit? I need to be around 130-140. Thanks you and sry for my bad English.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Remember one thing, you are 16. Your body is still growing and I know you want to be big and tall now, but your time will come. Let your body continue to grow as it is and will do.

No exercise will make you taller, there are exercises, however, that will fix bad posture which can give the appearance of added height, if you tend to slouch over, shoulders forward, you will want to stretch out your hip flexors (through a hip flexor stretch) and your pecs (through a pec stretch).

If you want to add 20-30 pounds (which won't come quickly), focus on eating lots of lean meat, clean carbohydrates (like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat, nothing processed), and good fats (nuts, nut butter, oils etc). This will naturally supplement the body's process of growth.

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