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Hello, I am female....I haven't weighed myself in a while...but last time I was 6 and a half stone...I am really short though....I am 4 foot 11 or something like that probably a few inches shorter.....I recently binged ate....and it's been a couple of months...so I think I have gained weight....but no matter what I weigh...I always look fat and before I was "skinny fat" I am 17 in November and I want to know what is the healthiest way to become as close to this girl as possible without becoming unhealthy >http://couch-kimchi.com/2013/02/20/park-shin-hye-reveals-her-thin-waistline-for-jambangee-ss2013-ad-campaign/ .....what exercises slim your waist and tone stomach? thanks!

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

First off, 6 and a half stone is not even close to overweight on a healthy female.

If you want to improve your body image the first thing you need to do is stop comparing yourself to the girls you find in magazines or online. You will never look like the girl in the magazine because not even the girl looks like the girl in the magazine!

That being said, you can achieve your body in it's healthiest, most deisreable form through proper nutrition and exercise.

Since you are only 16, your muscles and body are still growing and developing. I wouldn't dive into heavy weights to spur more growth just yet, but I would supplement your body's natural growth with bodyweight exercises. Things like squats, dips, pushups, situps, planks, lunges, pullups and more will signal to your body that you'd like it to get stronger and leaner as it grows.

Binge eating is a way of your body telling you that you're not feeding it enough/the right nutrients. Eat enough of the right food and you would never feel the need to binge eat. Eat enough, but eat the right stuff!

With these tips you won't look like the girl in the picture, but you will look like the best you possible.

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