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I am a 17 year old female, 120 lbs. I want to become stronger and get bigger legs and glutes and also tone my abs. I don't know how much weight and reps to do, and also how often to lift. Could I have a plan, with weights, to become bigger and toned?

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

You sure could,

In order to build muscle (build bigger legs), you're going to want to use weight that continually challenges you. That means drop the pink dumbbells your gym offers and grab something heavy.

Aim to work out 4-5 times a week, giving your body the other 2-3 days to recover and grow. 

Big legs come from squats, deadlifts and all their variations. Focus on these compound movements to see the biggest growth in your legs and glutes.

Your abs will also be worked when doing these movements. Your abs stabilize you when under loads. Without this muscle (and help fromm your spine) when you squat you would simply bend in half.

The only way you're going to see your abs is through sound nutrition causing you to drop body fat. At 120 pounds you are not far off. Eat clean meat veggies etc and drink plenty of water.

Use these tips to further guide you along your journey. 

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