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I am a 28 year old male. I am 5'11 and weighed a very lean 180lbs a few years ago. I had jaw surgery and my jaw was wired shut for 6 months. During that time I lost 50lbs. I am currently 150lbs and my goal is to gain 20lbs. I am a contractor working in Afghanistan. I am able to workout daily but all the working out is pointless if im not getting proper nutrition. I fly around in helicopters from 5am to 5pm. So breakfast and lunch are out of the question. I am able to snack during the day at fuel stops. I was wondering, what foods could I eat on the go that could supplement a healthy breakfast and lunch so I could maintain proper nutrition for my high level of exercise. Obviously a plate of salmon is out of the question, I have been snacking on tuna packets, protein shakes, and meal replacement shakes. Any tips or foods that you could give me would be appreciated.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Many people are faced with this problem.
There are foods that you should focus on eating in order to provide your body with enough calories to pack on the pounds.

My biggest tip would be to focus on calorically dense foods. Now this does not mean to scarf down candy bars and milkshakes, you still want your food to be nutritiously dense, but focus on foods that pack in a lot of calories for their small size.

Nuts provide excellent sources of energy, a decent serving of protein, and could be eaten anytime with ease.

Your run of the mill protein shake could suffice, but you might want to consider a mass gainer. This would simply be a shake with a high amount of calories to replace those that you usually couldn't consume.

How exactly do you eat these tuna packets? If you have time at the fuel stop to eat an entire tuna packet, your problem might just be able to be solved through proper meal prep.

If you take a couple hours out of your weekend to prepare meals for the upcoming week, and appropriately tupperware them, it might be convenient and quick enough to eat during your stops.

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