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I am 16 and weigh 165 and I would like to get to 130. I am completely lost when it comes to working out. I have tried a running program but It progressed faster than I needed it too. Please help me

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

I assume you mean the program was progressing in workload, rather than you were progressing faster than you needed to.

Have you considered lifting weights, many young athletes don't think that weightlifting can help lose weight, but it can. You're going to want to build a solid foundation for your journey in fitness and health, so start by doing bodyweight essentials like pushups and planks, coupled with light weight lifting essentials like squats and deadlifts.

Another huge tip I could give you that I wish I had done when I was 16, is to find a mentor. Find someone who you look up to, and hopefully know personally, and allow them to teach you, soak up everything you learn and progress with it. Having someone ease you into the gym life can help greatly. You don't only need one either, you could listen to everyone. Now that's not to say to follow everyone's advice blindly, do your own research too. Eventually you'll be able to discern the bro-science from valid information.

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