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I'm a 20 year old male, weigh 65kg and my goal (within the scope of the question) is to get bigger calves. I've been gyming for almost a year now and am seeing good progress with every muscle group other than my calves. They seem to be very stubborn. I am probably considered a hard-gainer, as the only weight I can put on is muscle weight (I don't ever put on fat). I am careful that I take in excess calories every day (using mass-gainer shake, as well as casein at night). Every week on leg day, I do 3 sets of standing calf raises, 3 sets of sitting calf raises, and 3 sets of donkey calf raises. Yet my calves aren't making any progress. I hear calves are genetic. Is there anything else that can be done? Thanks.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Calves are genetic as much as any other muscle is genetic. Don't let people who say this sway you from thinking you can grow your calves.

Your calves are much like your abs, they can be trained more frequently than your other muscle groups as they recover quicker.

Try adding a second day of calf training to your mix.
Another way to try and spur growth is to change your rep range, change your tempo, and change the weight. I like to hit heavy sets of 5 on one day, and lighter sets of 15-20 (still to failure) on the second day. 

Don't forget to stretch your calves after every training day!

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