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i am 17 ,male ,height 6ft ,weight 107 kg,want to loose around 20-25 kg .i have no medical issues.my schedule is very hectic get very less time for exercise,but currently i am not doing any type of exercise and never tried for the diet.please help me in making a perfect plan to shape my body .will i posture my body in 3-4 months?please help. thanks

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Don't let a lack of time be the obstacle in the way of your dream body. It is all a matter of priorities. I don't know your exact schedule, but I find it hard to believe you cannot find 30 minutes to an hour each day to exercise. It does not have to take longer than that.

When weight loss is your goal and a lack of time is your lingering obstacle, perform High Intensity Interval Training, mixed with circuits and supersets of exercises. This will shorten the rest you have between exercises therefore bringing your heart rate up and burning more calories, and save you time in the process. You'll get a great workout in a matter of minutes and can move on with your busy day.

As far as dieting goes, you need to work with your diet, not for it. If a busy schedule gets in the way of constantly making or buying food, then do all of your meal prep in a couple of hours on the weekend, pre-package and refridgerate everything for the week, and simply take your meals with you. This is a technique I contantly employ to get me through a busy week.

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