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Hello, I am a 23 year old female who weighs about 100 lbs and is 5'2". I am trying to build muscle and keep my heart strong, but I'm not really sure how to. I ride my bike (which is mounted on a trainer) for 35 minutes each day at moderate-high intensity. What should I eat before and after this? I usually have a drink of whey protein (~24 grams of protein) and water afterwards and then dinner about an hour later. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Building muscle requires that very muscle to be put under tension, broken up, and rebuilt bigger and stronger - I can promise you now that your bike won't do that.

You're going to need to start doing some form of resistance training. Lifting weights can be the most beneficial way to build muscle, get stronger, and look great all at the same time.

Next time you go to the gym, head to the weight section instead of the cardio section. Look for a structured lifting plan and follow it. Aim to add weight each time you go. Drink your protein shake when you get back and eat your dinner. Your body should respond quickly and well to this and you will build the muscle you are looking for.

You can still ride your bike to keep your heart healthy, just make sure to separate it form your resistance training sessions. 

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