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I'm 19 and I play college baseball. I work out regularly, dont do a lot of cardio, I'm in good shape but when I put on a tight shirt my chest 'points out'. I try and eat healthy (I do have some sweets about once a day). Is there any advice that you could give me, like eating, what exercises I need to do and anything you could tell me? Any advice you could tell me would be awesome. Thank you very much

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Hi there

My chest used to do the same thing. It is all a matter of body composition. First, aim to widen your chest with a variety of exercises. Increase your strength on the bench press, and really focus on the muscle when you are doing your isolation movements (like flyes). If you constantly add weight and progress, you will begin to see your chest "fill out" and widen.

Next, lose some body fat (notice how I said body fat and not weight - you are going to want to keep all of that hard earned muscle). Throw a high intensity interval training session into your weekly training. You could do a baseball affiliated workout like spriniting to first base, walking from first to second, sprinting form second to third and walking home. Repeat that process 4 or 5 times and you will burn enough calories to lose weight slowly.

Track your progress in the mirror, not the scale.

Good luck!

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