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Hey, I wanna start off by saying I'm a 19 y/o male. I am 5'10'' and I weigh about 180 pounds, mostly fat. I used to have abs, and a nice tight body, and want it back. I've got Crohn's disease.. But as far as that goes, the doc says I can eat whatever doesn't hurt my stomach. I am able to stay at 180 pounds eating TONs of junk food and soda after soda daily. I was wondering what and how I should go about getting my old body back. I figured I'd cut a lot of the junk food out. (a snack here and there, nothing big at all.) Also, limiting myself to 1 soda, or none daily. (I drink 3-10 sodas a day, easily.) There is a track near me, and 4 laps around it is a mile.. and I have no money for a membership to a gym. So I was thinking something like.. a lap, 10 pushups, 10 situps, (Whatever else could be added).. and repeat? What are your ideas?

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

That sounds like a great start. You don't need a gym membership to get healthy and fit.

It seems like you already know that the junk food and soda is extremely unhealthy and stopping you from losing weight, so I don't need to explain that to you, but don't go cold turkey on all of it. You will end up just craving it even more. Ween off the soda and junk food slowly but surely and make it a permanent life change.


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