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thanks jamie for the answer of my last question . actually my schedule starts from morning 7:30am and usually continues to late nights upto 2:00pm(only studying and nothing else ) . i have started playing football in evening from a couple of days but not regular.so what type of exercises and dieting should i do ?in morning or evening ?please explain it briefly.really need your help. thanks..... age-17,gender-male,weight-107kg.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Since time is of the essence in your situation, aim to do high intensity exercises.

You will get more bang for your buck in terms of cardiovascular training and burning calories, and your muscles can benefit from intense bouts of exercise.

Train in the morning. The EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption) will take place and burn more calories throughout the day.

Pick exercises that work major muscle groups. Burpees, lunges, squats, pullups, pushups are all great exercises.
Next, perform them back to back only resting for a minute or so after each round.

You'll be able to get a great workout done in 15 minutes. 

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