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Hi Doc, I am a 34 year old male weighing 160 pounds. Current body fat 13%. My goal is to gain at least 10 pounds of lean muscle this year. My first year in the gym with a PT was all good. Made relatively good progress. Started having sciatica on my left leg and lower back pain in the second year. After doing some CT scan and MRI tests, I was diagnosed with DDD, Herniated disc L4, L5 and S1, scoliosis, spinal stenosis and leg length discrepancy (My left leg was shorter by 0.6 inch). I am sure some of it happened over a period of time. It took 6 months to recover. I have figured out a way to workout all the major muscle groups with minimum load to my lower back except for traps. I am worried that doing shrugs might hurt my back again. I would like to know if there are any other exercises that could effectively work my traps? Cheers

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Your traps are effectively trained as a secondary muscle group through most back exercises. I do not know the way you train that allows minmum load to your lower back, but I must assume you do some sort of back training.
Rest assured your traps are being exercised as well. Any sort of rowing or pulling movement, whether it be horizontally or vertically, will work your traps in some fashion. 

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