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Hello I'm 24 yr old male and weigh 108 kgs. I've been working out since last six months and my goal is to reduce weight. I lost 15 kgs in 6 months. I also do weight training exercises. And i take whey protein and lipo 6 ultra concentrate fat burner. Last Week i bought weider creatine monohydrate. So my question is can creatine helps in weight loss ? can i take creatine monohydrate along with whey protein and fat burner ? If yes, please let me know the intake and usage of creatine. Or is it going to be dangerous for my health.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Creatine is perfectly safe to use along with a fat burner and whey protein.

To answer your question: Yes, creatine can help you lose weight, but not in a way you might think. Creatine ultimately provides more ATP allowing you to train harder for longer.. to squeeze out a few more reps or run for that much longer. In turn, your strength will increase and you will burn more calories through more exercise. This can aid in fat loss and muscle growth.

Keep doing what you're doing and let me know how you progress.

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