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Hi, my name is Sally Bromber (girl) and I'm 14 years old. I weigh about 110-120 pounds and am 5 foot 3 or 4. I am pretty sporty actually, I do swimming competitively, so like 5 days a week. I am also basically skinny, the only problem is my thighs! I don't know, they're just huge haha and I'm kind of short too so yeah...anyway, I was looking around the internet for exact exercises and stuff to make my thighs thinner and longer, but I didn't really find any. So my question is: what exercises should I do (that really work, and how to do them), how often should I do them, when should I do them, and when will I see results? Also, if there is a certain diet I should go on, if you could tell me that would be appreciated. Thanks in advance :) oh btw I don't have any medical issues.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Bone structure and musculature makeup isn't something you can necessarily change, i.e you cannot make your thigh bones smaller, but you can make them appear smaller by manipulating the rest of your muscles on your body.
That, essentially, is what bodybuilding is: creatine an illusion with your body.
Try focusing on more upper body exercises, you could even do swimming workouts that will not only effectively train your muscles to grow but help with your competitive swimming. Widening your lats (the outer sides of your back) will make your waist and thighs appear smaller. You can widen your back through exercises like pullups.

Lowering your body fat while raising your muscle percentage will also cause your thighs to appear smaller. Aim to consume enough protein in grams equivalent to your weight (~120) and watch your calories. Cut out the junk food and eat to fuel your swimming training! 

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