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I'm thinking of taking protein powder. do i have to start a specific way? just my main question is. how does that all work?

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

No there is no specific way to start taking protein powder. Protein powder is simply a way to supplement your protein intake. Basically, instead of eating handfuls of meat, eggs, and dairy products all day to meet your protein requirements, protein powder offers a different way to hit the mark.

You should aim to consume 1-1.5g of protein per pound of bodyweight. So if you weigh 150 pounds, consume 150-225g protein a day. Most protein shakes offer 25-30.

Think of it only as a way to hit your protein requirements, and as a way to get protein to your muscles quickly after a workout.

Since protein powders come in powder form and are made of easily digestible, quick release sources like whey, they can be absorbed into your bloodstream quickly.


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