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Reikiron with yet another update as of January 28th; the beginning of this new year is looking bright and I'm progressing nicely! First off, as always, I am a 24 y/o male (B-day for the win) standing 5'9 and weighing 230 ibs. I eat as healthy as possible when I can; Lean meats, plenty of fruit, handful of nuts once or twice a day, one banana a day and one 8oz glass of the Green Naked Juice per day. My goal in mind is to be able to do at least one pullup, handstand for 20 sec or more, etc by June 2014. Adding to my goal, I'd like to get into the habit of doing some form of Aerobic, the reasons are as follow. I have been working at Amazon, and with 4 days in a row of 10 hours each, my legs are quite sore, so I'm leaving those out of my Routine for now. So far, I've created a nice rounded Routine that I want to add to. Tuesday, I work my arms. Wednesday, I work my core. Thursday, I rest. Friday-Monday, I work my legs at Amazon. I am looking for some simple Aerobic exercises to help keep my heart rate fueled, as I've noticed my workouts are 'explosive' and don't last longer than 20min (I don't mind the explosiveness, but I'm still trying to drop 30ibs and get under 200). Milestone: I was able to perform 27 perfect pushups (3 sets of 10) on Jan 2nd, and 50 perfect pushups (5 sets of 10) on Jan 21st! Again, These workouts don't last very long, and I'm still trying to lose excess weight. Would adding an simple, Aerobic exercise (after the main exercises) help shed the excess fat? I look forward to your response!

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Hey Reikiron, glad to hear of your progress.
Being able to do more pushups week after week is a solid signal that your strength is rising, and the number on that scale seems to drop with each update. Sounds like pure progress to me. 

Adding aerobic training could definitely be beneficial. If you wanted, you could throw the exercises you do now together with aerobic exercises, theyreby creating a fat burning circuit.

For example, if you were working your core on Wednesday, you could complete the following circuit 3 or 4 times:

Plank - 1 minute
Mountain climbers - 1 minute
High knee running - 1 minute
Turkish get-up - 1 minute

These exercises will effectively work your core while elevating your heart rate allowing you to burn more calories.

If you'd like any other routines for specific body parts feel free to speak to me again!

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