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Hi, I'm am 13 years old I weight 124 pounds and I have a really important question in mind. For my shoulders section I perform an exercises called the standing military press with 10 Pounds on each side of the barbell while doing 3 sets of 10 reps with 90 seconds of rest in between . Now my question was if that exercise will stunt my growth? Oh and i also perform a weighted squat holding 2 dumbbells with 20 pounds each side plus my added weight. I feel that my exercises really work but I would please like to know if it stunts my growth. Thank you!

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

No, neither of these exercises will stunt your growth.
LIfting weights in general will not stunt your growth and, of course, no exercise directly makes you taller or shorter.

There have been cases reported of powerlifters losing a few CMs, but you have to understand that these men and women are lifting hundreds of pounds each and every day. Much more than they even weigh.

A 65 pound overhead press should not stunt your growth.
Keep up the good work! 

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