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Hi my name is Kim, in 15, i weigh 94 pounds im about 5'0, I'm a competitive swimmer, I swim competitively for about 2 hours 5 days a week. I want to get a toned 6 pack, and i just want more muscle everywhere because i feel the stronger I am the faster I will be able to swim. I need a workout plan I can do every night that will not be time consuming since I come home late from swim practice after school. So I need a workout plan for gaining muscle in my arms, calves, abs, and thighs. I also would like a diet plan, thank you.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Hi Kim, 

You're very right, your strength will play in direct correlation with your speed in the water.

Why not suggest this to your swim coach? Ask him or her if you could throw in some strength training along with your regular swimming training. Offer some suggestions such as doing plyometric exercises in between laps. Swim a lap, get out, do 20 pushups, swim back, get out, do 20 V-ups.
This is essentially a circuit, and will effectively train your cardiovascular system as well as your strength. 

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