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Hi, i would love some help on which exercises are the best for losing weight. i am 21, 5'11, 211 pounds and my goal is to reach 175 pounds. ive been going to the gym for about an hour for about 5 days in a week and this is my second week in this routine. i normally jog for about 20 mins in which i normally burn 200 calories then i do a lying fly on about 20 kg on each hand. 12 reps in a set i do about 5 sets. then do more chest exercises on the machines for about 20 minutes. then call it a day. what kind of other exercises can i do that can really help me get to my goal? and what other things can i do. also do you think i should extend my gym period or keep to an hour?. i really would some advice on this all. thanks

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

First off let me tell you that you're going to need to stick to your routine for a couple weeks before you might notice any glaring changes. Just trust in the process and carry on doing what you're doing knowing that it's working.

I would suggest you reorder your exercises when you train.
You said you start with a run and then a lying fly followed by more chest exercises.
Research has proven that starting with compound lifts before isolation lifts will occur in the greatest muscle breakdown and therefore growth. Start with things like bench presses and dumbell presses for your chest and move on to flys and pushups later.
Then, after your glycogen system is depleted from lifting (Meaning your body is all out of carbs to run on) you can do your 20 minute run and your body will primarily run on fat.

Keep your food intake in check and all else should work itself out.

Let me know if you'd like to know some other exercises to start with for different body parts. 

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