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Hi i am 21 years old, 5'10 and weigh 211 pounds (96kg). i want to reach my goal which is 187lbs (85KG) . My eating habits need a change. i normally have cereal and bread or muffin for breakfast when not at work, however since i work in a bakery i normally eat 1 pastry and a sandwich/baguette. if at home i eat rice and curry. i believe i need a change of food. what do you think i should be eating more and what i shouldnt be eating. i do have a tendency to have fried food at the weekends so should this also stop? Also what time do you think i should stop all eating? thank you.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Hi there,

Well it sounds like you already know that your diet needs changing! Let me simply inform you of what is best for your body, what is okay in moderation, and what you should put on your blacklist.

You'll want to focus more heavily on eating protein. Research has shown a myriad of benefits from eating a higher-than-recommended (by the USDA) amount of protein. These include greater muscle synthesis which in turn burns more fat to maintain. Aim to get about 40% of your nutritional intake from protein. Sources include meats, eggs, certain dairy products and protein powders.

I used to work at a bakery. Nearly every morning I would have a toasted bagel with turkey, 2 egg whites, and cheese on it. This worked out to around 30g carbs, 35g protein, and 5g fat. So no excuses for the pastry and baguette! Make healthy choices.

Fried food is a no no. Now I'm not saying one fried meal will automatically make you fat, in the same way that one healthy meal won't automatically make you fit, but it's better to stay away from them as they do nothing productive for your body and will most likely be stored as fat. Definitely not every weekend.

It does not particularly matter what time you stop eating so long as you're not eating a huge meal and then hopping on the couch to watch TV or going tstraight to bed. That food might not get used for energy and when it's not used for energy or recovery, it will get stored as fat.

Hope this all helps! 

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