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My name is Jackie, 20 years old, 128 pounds around. I am trying to be healthy and exercise too. I really don't know if losing belly fat is a weight loss. Whenever I sit down to eat my belly starts to expand as if i was pregnant which i am not. I do not eat as much due to my stomach pain, but I do want to eat healthy and sometimes have a cheat day with junk foods, but my main concern is my belly.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Hi Jackie,

Yes losing belly fat is weight loss.
Do not worry, even at 8% body fat my stomach expands when I'm sitting. That's a normal movement from your body. 

What kind of stomach pain do you currently have?

A cheat day would involve eating clean the other 6 days of the week. Do you follow a certain eating protocol?

Cheat day's are mainly used for when you go low carb for lengthy periods (5+ days) and then carb load your body for a day raising the leptin hormone which is crucial for fat loss. But unless you are eating low carb (75g or less) the other days I wouldn't suggest a full blown cheat day.

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