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Hello, I am currently 5'9 16 years old and weight about 205 lbs. I play soccer, but I would like to start losing weight and building muscle in my legs and upper body to improve my game on the field. So, Can I do both at the same time and what would my routine look like.

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

You sure can do both at the same time. While it's impossible to both put and and drop weight at the same time, it is possible to build some muscle while dropping fat levels, especially when starting at a higher body fat percentage. 
Remember, the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be due to the energy expended just to keep that muscle.
In turn, the higher your metabolism, the more fat you can burn.

Start resistance training in order to build that muscle. If you'd like to focus on legs, split them into two days with one day focusing on quads and one day focusing on hamstrings.

Research how to basic exercises and practice them until you can do them perfectly, begin to add weight slowly but surely. Exercises you can focus on are: Squats, lunges, deadlifts, leg presses and more.

Another thing I would suggest is to include a day to train your explosiveness. Since you are training for a specific sport, include exercises thsat will directly relate to your playing on the field. Box jumps and agility drills will train your explosiveness and speed which will help you dominate on the field while you continue to drop weight and add muscle.

Good luck! 

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