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I am a male of 19 yrs and weight 160 pounds. I want to have absolutely flat chest the sooner it can. Please tell me the exercises along with schedule. Is there an exercise for this which i can try at home as well?

jkerem Answered by Jamie Kerem

Pushups, lots of them. 
Pushups are plyometric by nature and therefore can be performed more often than say bench pressing.
Wake up every morning and do some pushups, do some more before lunch, and for good measure throw some pushups in before bed.

My point is that the more you do the more muscle you will stimulate, break down, and rebuild.

I would suggest a day off every now and again as your body does need rest.

Keep in mind you cannot spot treat fat, so if you have fat deposits in your chest you will need to lose fat in general for the fat in your pectoral area to dissapear and be replaced by muscle.

Good luck. 

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