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I want to lose weight. but I can not i always do night shifts and i can't get up in the morning. i do no have time to go to gym. my boyfriend wants me slim before November 11. its his birthday. and that's gonna be my first meet with him after 3 years. I want to loose weight. I am 17. and my weight is near about 65-68 kgs. please help me with that. I am a girl. please tell me what should i do. i work at fast food restaurant and i can't stop eating fast food. but tell me what the best option is I will adapt that.
Answered by Roman Footnick
Thank you for your question. Since you are becoming a young adult I'm going to respect you and answer you with the honesty you deserve.

Exercise is not about having time to do it. Rather it's about making it a priority in your life. Do you have time for tv, games, social media, or other less important things. When I worked 3 jobs and was attending college I still made time to train, because it was a priority for me. I've personally known hundreds of others who've done the same.

With all that said... Fat loss is primarily based on diet. Eat fewer calories (units of energy) than you use everyday and you should start to lose weight. Beyond that we can manipulate the kind of calories you eat (i.e. No sugar.)

I don't need to inform you that fast food is crap in general. If you can't control yourself around it, then change your environment. It's like an alcoholic asking me about how they can drink less while working as a bartender. Find a job where you have less temptation to eat junk. Work retail, or Whole Foods, a smoothie bar, or even a deli would be a better alternative for you.

Now for the biggest issue.
How's your relationship with your father?
In general, when I hear stories such as yours - of women seeking superficial approval from men, and trying to change themselves to get a man's love - it serves as a red flag that there is a deeper issue with their father, or some other rejection issues.

What makes a woman attractive to good men is not just their body. The body is simply the vehicle that contains your soul and personality. It's your soul, character, personality, wit, charm, compassion, humor, and happiness that attract good men. It's the deeper you who is already great and doesn't require approval that matters. You are better, stronger, and more beautiful than you know right now.

Good luck.

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