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Hey there, I'm a male, 5 ft 10 inch tall ,age 24 ,weight 78 kg(171 lbs) ..I am doing gym since 4 years on regular basis..i have no issues with my exercise like I do both weight training and cardio within time limit of 1 hr .....but I am stuck in a big problem that started from last year in summers...I went to gym in morning and did intense training push my body to its limits...like we all do...I want to lose my weight that time,to get ripped I lost 8 kgs in 2 month from 75 to 67...stomach was totally flat..i do lost some muscles too because of hit cardio...and that time I am on calories deficit low carbs and high intake of proteins...took some supplements also like iso protein,pre-workout,multi-vitamins,glutamine,bcaa's and fish oil..the whole kinda stack I have took first time in my life...I do take supplement lately but only protein and pre workout very rare..i saw the good result during training but after 2 months when I am on 67 kgs...after gym my body is so tired I suffer from nausea all day headache,sleeping problem,and when i take protein i felt lethargic...so i went to a neurologist...he said all this happened because of supplements i have taken...and for 6 months i am on sleeping pills...i don't feel asleep without those pills...but i never gave up on gymming...i am still doing gym without taking any supplement...but i don't see any result and i am totally pissed off and loosing all my motivation...treatment is still going whenever i went to doc ..he don't allow me to take supplements and i don't know what to do...because without protein i can't develop my muscles...and for bodybuilding i need 1gm/pound...now i have no idea how to consume that much of clean protein so that i only gain muscles with not fats.... my bf % is around 12-15 right now...plz help me and give your precious advice..i really want to back in the game....full of motivation....heavy weight lifting..focus...body full of sweat..pumped up..charged...never stop..that feeling...gym was everything for me...me those days ..miss old me...plzz help me....your help will highly appreciated...
Answered by Roman Footnick
Great! This is an easy and common problem for passionate bodybuilders like yourself. The first problem is over training. Take a week or even two completely off. No cardio, no weights, nothing - JUST REST. Your body has been pushed to its limits and apparently beyond what it can handle. The good news is you have the passion, dedication, and fortitude to train hard and consistent (most people lack that amount of will). The bad news is now you have to pay the price, and that means no working out for a while. I've had to take as much as a 4 weeks off so my body (muscles, joints, endocrine system, etc.) could recuperate. Now I work to have the discipline to take a week or so off every 2 or 3 months. Every time I take a break, not only do I NOT lose muscle, but when I return to the gym I'm stronger than before the break. Truth is that I think I might benefit from taking a week off every month of hard training. But I LOVE training (like you do apparently) so it's tough for me to do it every month. So.... I do it every 2 or 3 months.

As far as your second problem, your diet, EAT FAT!!!!

You need fat to produce testosterone. You need fat to spare muscle tissue when dieting. You need fat for repair and joint health. You need fat for brain and organ health. Believe it or not, fat is as - if not more important than protein. Besides you need fat for proper protein digestion and utilization. So eat fat!

Below are some great sources of good fats, oils, and proteins (organic and grass-fed sources are preferred)::
Whole Eggs: Try to get them free-range from the local market if possible. You can prepare them in a number of different ways like fried, deviled, boiled, poached, and scrambled.
Eggs are a bodybuilders best friend. I personally consume between 18-24 whole eggs everyday. Mostly raw, blended in a shake.

Fish: Preferably eating anything that is caught wild like catfish, cod, flounder, halibut, mackerel, mahi-mahi, salmon, snapper, trout, and tuna.
Shellfish: Clams, oysters, lobster, crab, scallops, mussels, and squid.
Meat. Beef, Veal, Goat, Lamb, and other wild game. Grass fed is preferred as it has a better fatty acid count.
Pork. Pork loin, pork chops, and ham. Watch out for added sugars in ham.
Poultry. Chicken, Duck, Quail, Pheasant. Free range or organic is the best choice here if possible.
Bacon and Sausage. Check labels for anything cured in sugar, or if it contains extra fillers.

Beef tallow
Whipping Cream or Half and Half
Non-hydrogenated Lard
Macadamia Nuts
Mayonnaise (watch out for added carbs)
Macadamia Nut Oil
Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
Coconut Butter
Red Palm Oil
Nut Butters (watch out for added carbs)

Stay far away from hydrogenated fats.
Eat leafy greens and other low carb veggies to your hearts content.

If you keep your carbs low, eat these types of foods, and take a break.... You should be back on track soon. Just remember: Growth and Change happens when you are outside of the gym resting. Training is just the stimulus, the response happens when you stop training.

Good luck,

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