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Hey, in the last 18 months I have lost 190lbs. I went from 480lbs down to 290lb. I have been eating healthy, exercising 5-6 times a week( hockey, basketball, swimming, riding bike, running.) I have been lower my calories as I have been losing weight. But in the last 3 months I have been at a stand still, losing only 1lb. No cheat days I gave up drinking alcohol the last year. I would like to lose 30 more lbs. but for some reason I can't lose anymore weight. Just wonder if you had advice on what I should do or can do to drop a few more lbs? thank you.
Answered by Roman Footnick
First get blood work done. It will inform you about your endocrine health which may be an issue. Sometimes when people diet/ exercise and lose a lot of weight the endocrine system can "slow down" to protect us from starving or dying (it doesn't know you're trying to lose weight.) Most common is the thyroid reducing t4 or t3 conversion.
This can be corrected with supplements or drugs. Often simply adding "cheat meals" once a week is all one needs. A cheat meal is ONE meal that is way off your normal diet and is supposed to trick you body to think you're no longer starving and prime the endocrine system.
Also, if your on a low fat diet then your testosterone may be low. Again this will stall fat loss.

My second suggestion is to begin weightlifting. High intensity resistance training builds muscle, and more muscle means more caloric demand on your body. So as long as you don't start regularly eating more calories (again occasional cheat meal is good), then you should begin losing more fat again.

Finally, start getting more focused on how your clothes fit instead of the scale. If you're putting on a pound of muscle and losing a pound of fat - the scale will be misleading.

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