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Age: 23
Weight: 108 lbs
Height: 5'3"
Training for a 21km marathon
Every time I jog, the upper center part of my abdomen, right at the ribs hurts. I believe its a muscle pain since I can massage it. I slow down when, it starts to hurt but I still finish the workout. My problem is that after the work out it still hurts. My pace is only 6-8 kph. It starts hurting after 10-15 mins of running. I do stretch my abs before and after running. I believe my breathing is correct (belly inflates and deflates). I dont eat 4 hrs before running. I only take 1-2 sips of water before running. I run 4 times a week. And its only been my 2nd week.
Answered by Roman Footnick
It's likely you are having a diaphragmatic issue. The diaphragm is a large muscle that enables us to breath appropriately. Sometimes with exhaustive cardio pulmonary exercise the diaphragm causes pain (common in running, swimming, and cycling.) It's good that you are already avoiding big meals or drinks before running as this is know to impede the diaphragm. Additionally you can try:
A: Drink FLUID throughout the day. Fluid is not just water. Fluids contain electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Chloride, Bicarbonate). You can by electrolyte water (aka fluid) or simply make your own (as I do) and drink it through out the day. Do NOT buy stuff with a bunch of sweeteners or sugars!
B. Diaphragmatic breathing exercises and vacuums. Bodybuilders and yogis are great at these and there are plenty of examples on the internet.
C. You may want to go to a good massage therapist, chiropractor, or someone like that to help if your spine or ribs are slightly out of alignment.

Oh and keep running. The diaphragmatic pain is usually worse for beginners and goes away with experience and development.

Hope that makes sense and helps.

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