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I'm 18 years old at 5'7 at 185lbs. I have recently started working out Monday through Friday for about an hour/hour and a half. I hired my friend's friend to help "train" me. Mondays and Fridays are upper body. Tuesday and Thursday are core and cardio days and wednesdays are legs and shoulders. I eat as best as I can monday through friday. Which consists of deli turkey, oven roasted chicken (without skin), 100% whole wheat bread (no hfcs), turkey chili, steak, egg whites, and the bread with peanut butter. I mix all of that up in different meals. On the weekends I do my best to stick to my diet but I go out and it's not always easy to eat healthy. My question is am I on the right path to lose weight? I'm assuming that i'm about 30 to 40lbs overweight. But I'm pretty thick built naturally. Is it okay for me to not eat completely good on the weekends? Also with me working out as much as I am, doing what I'm doing, from this date now when am I most likely to lose the 40lbs.?

Answered by Sarah Dagan

You are exercising and eating right, so you are well on your way to reaching your goal weight. It is okay to have a “cheat” day every now and then, but you should try to stick to your diet as best as you can. If you stay on the right track, you should be able to reach your goal weight in about 5 months.

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