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Hey! I am a 21 year old Female, weighing 156 pounds and i'm 5'7 tall. I recently gained so much weight in the past year, due to college and stress eating. So I decided to hit the gym in the beginning of March 2017. I have been loyal to going at least 3-4 days a week. My workout consists of jogging 2 1/2 miles, squatting, ab workouts, jump rope, and a few other machines that work my arms and legs. Since I have been there for a month, I decided to start burst training on the treadmill. I know with interval training, I will be burning more calories at rest and gaining muscles as well as losing fat. I want to at least do it 3 times a week. How can I fit this into my schedule? Also, if I do burst training one day, do I have to skip the next gym day, or can I go and work on my regular routine? I was thinking maybe 1 day burst training minus the 2 1/2 miles, and the next day my regular routine.

Thank you so much!
Answered by Roman Footnick
Not knowing your current progress and assuming you are moving in the right direction with your physique, your idea at the end of your question is a good one. Begin slowly incorporating burst training (HIIT) into your schedule. If your body (i.e. joints and muscles) do well with HIIT then I'd recommend doing more HIIT and back off the steady state running all together. IF... you really enjoy time on the track or treadmill and/or really enjoy steady state cardio you can walk (instead of run) and get about the same benefit while lessoning the impact on your joints.

Keep it up and remember that most people lose fat in the kitchen, not in the gym. Release your stress in the gym and not on food, and you should be able to achieve your goals.
Good luck!

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